Drama Group

In April 2019 S.A.F.E launched its first ever drama group. The group currently has 19 members aged between 18-60. The group offers a great way of getting adults with Learning Disabilities to get together and learn new skills whilst having fun.

Our sessions involve a host of different activities such as: learning choreography, choreographing our own dances, singing and learning lyrics as well as reading scripts and creating our own physical theatre, arts and crafts, voice projection and facial expressions.

Incorporating life skills

Whilst our sessions focus on fun and socialising, wherever possible we like to inform through the work we are doing. For example we explore how facial expressions along with body movement and vocal change can aid someone wanting to convey a certain emotion. We role play scenarios in groups in order to better understand why a person may be feeling happy, sad or angry and then think how we might react to the person in that scenario.

Everyone gets a say

The Drama Group aims for the individual to get the upmost out of each session and come away with a sense of achievement.

In our sessions we like each member to feel comfortable enough to put their thoughts and opinions across- this can be achieved through offering choice to the members of the group. It could be as simple as the choice of music played in a session to more collective choices around the movie, book or play which members would like to stage or perform.

Aims for the future

The Drama Group performed Cinderella in 2022 and in January 2024 Aladdin was performed. 2025 production is in the writing……